In Long Island, The Robins Island Foundation supports CCE Marine’s Back to the Bays initiative, a stewardship outreach effort to increase community engagement in water quality protection initiatives; habitat improvement projects; shellfish and fin fish research and restoration; and youth education experiences. The Robins Island Foundation also supports CCE Marine’s SPAT program’s work to culture shellfish in Cutchogue Harbor; and at Tiana Bayside, where CCE Marine has partnered with the Town of Southampton to develop an outreach and education center at the Tiana Bayside Facility. The facility hosts coastal plant and shellfish grow-out areas to aid in resource enhancement projects.


Over a quarter million shellfish are growing in Suffolk Project in Aquaculture Training (SPAT) maintained oyster cages throughout Suffolk County.

300+ SPAT Members logged 5,000+ hours in CCE-Marine shellfish hatcheries and nurseries just last year.

In 2019, CCE Marine reached 3,597 individuals through programs offered at the Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center in Southold, and thousands more at our other facilities throughout Suffolk County.