Following the devastating strike of Hurricane Dorian to the Bahamas in September 2019, conservation philanthropist Louis Bacon pledged $1 million to relief and recovery efforts. After supporting emergency relief in the days after Dorian, The Moore Charitable Foundation and its Bahamas affiliate, Moore Bahamas Foundation (Moore Bahamas), conducted an assessment to identify longer-term projects that would advance strategic, sustainable recovery in partnership with relief and conservation organizations, government agencies, and Bahamian communities.
Moore Bahamas will support continuing humanitarian needs, including those compounded by COVID-19, sustainable rebuilding and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems. Investment in ecosystems’ restoration will strengthen the country’s tourism economy, sustainable fishing sector, and natural resilience.
Moore Bahamas Dorian Relief and Rebuild Grantees:
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) in The Bahamas is addressing the technology gap exacerbated by COVID-19 by improving access to quality distance learning education opportunities for lower income children in Grand Bahama and New Providence through the procurement of sim-ready tablets and associated equipment. ADRA is also providing disaster risk preparedness education.
Bahamas National Trust is conducting an ecological assessment to determine the necessary restoration strategy for the marine and terrestrial areas of Grand Bahama and the marine environment of Abaco. BNT is also evaluating and replacing infrastructure at several national parks, including Lucayan National Park, and supporting nearby communities through their resident park managers.
Bahamas Reef Environmental Education Foundation (BREEF) is replenishing school supplies and classroom essentials in schools that were devastated by Dorian. Additional funding has been provided for efforts to rebuild and sustain fisher livelihoods across the country through combatting ghost traps.
Bain Town Food Program is providing ongoing food aid for Dorian- and COVID-affected communities on Grand Bahamas Islans.
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust is replanting mangrove forests on Grand Bahamas Island destroyed by Hurriane Dorian.
Briland Aid Foundation – supporting job creation, humanitarian relief, and post-hurricane debris removal on Harbour Island and North Eleuthera.
“Feed Grand Bahama” via the Grand Bahama Food Distribution Task Force and National Food Distribution Task Force is an initiative of The Bahamas Government that is supporting and coordinating efforts of NGOs bringing food aid throughout the Bahamas. Facilitated by IDEA Relief.
Friends of the Environment in Abaco experienced catastrophic loss when its office was destroyed and all employees were evacuated to Nassau and elsewhere. Moore Bahamas aid is now supporting a temporary community outreach office where Friends will resume its day-to-day work serving the people of Abaco through community conservation and education.
Grand Bahama Disaster Relief Foundation (GBDRF), the charitable arm of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, is coordinating Grand Bahama recovery efforts. As the emergency humanitarian relief needs subside, GBDRF will spearhead individual household and school/community rebuilding efforts.
Give Directly is facilitating direct support to hundreds of households in East Grand Bahama and Abaco to allow it to purchase the goods and services they choose to rebuild their lives.
International Medical Corps is providing enhanced mental health support to the Grand Bahama community for people dealing with post-storm emotional trauma with Moore Bahamas support.
Lend a Hand Bahamas is providing meals to students and families affected by Hurricane Dorian in downtown Nassau as part of the National Food Distribution Task Force. The group is providing 50,000 meals to individuals every week. As well, they are providing job skills training for high school students and Dorian refugees.
Paradise Fund & The Eagles’ Wings Foundation conducted “Christmas in Paradise” fly-ins with small plans to provide holiday cheer and relief supplies to the Dorian victims of Grand Bahama and Abaco.
Rainfurly Home for Children, a foster home in Nassau, is providing emergency staffing and supplies to support children displaced from Grand Bahama and Abaco by Hurricane Dorian. foster home in Nassau, will hire emergency staffing to support its influx of children displaced from Grand Bahama and Abaco.
RISE Grand Bahama via Mercy Corps in The Bahamas is focused on advancing early stage and pre-licensed enterprises, specifically youth and women-owned businesses, in tech, eco-tourism, and marine ecosystems — critical to local food value chains (agriculture, fisheries, resource management); and businesses with growth potential outside Freeport.
Rocky Mountain Institute is undertaking a green grid project to build a locally-sourced electricity system that is low-carbon, resilient, sustainable, and cost-effective.
Rotary Grand Bahamas is providing ongoing basic aid for Dorian- and COVID-affected communities.
SBP Bahamas is solarizing homes of families in need on Grand Bahamas Island.
The Nature Conservancy Caribbean is supporting efforts to rebuild the fisheries sector and strengthen capacity in fishing communities on Grand Bahama devastated by Hurricane Dorian.
Waterkeepers Bahamas is engaging with the public and advocating for improved Environmental Impact Assessment policies for new and key developments. They continue to monitor a tragic oil spill that contaminated four-square miles of Grand Bahama including wetlands, pine forests, and mangroves and conducting freshwater testing and advocate for swift governmental and corporate clean-up of the site.
Water Mission is making critical water system repairs to the Rand Memorial Hospital on Grand Bahama.
Waves for Water (W4W) is deploying an in-field filtration system that operates at both the household and community center level in order to fill an unmet need for clean drinking water in the East Grand Bahama area